In modern C++, managing dynamic memory and avoiding memory leaks is critical. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal for this task is std::shared_ptr. In this article, we'll explore what std::shared_ptr is, how it works, and provide examples to illustrate its usage.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Shared Ownership
  3. Cyclic Dependencies
  4. Custom Deleters
  5. std::shared_ptr with Arrays
  6. Implementing Shared Pointers in C++
  7. Conclusion

1 - Introduction

Introduction to std::shared_ptr in C++

std::shared_ptr is a smart pointer that facilitates shared ownership of dynamically allocated objects. Unlike raw pointers, it keeps track of how many std::shared_ptr instances share ownership of the same resource, and it automatically deallocates the resource when it's no longer needed. This feature makes std::shared_ptr a valuable asset for writing more reliable and memory-efficient C++ code.

Basic Usage:

Let's explore the fundamental aspects of std::shared_ptr with a simple code example:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

int main() {
    // Creating a shared pointer to an integer
    std::shared_ptr<int> sharedInt = std::make_shared<int>(42);

    // Accessing the value through the shared pointer
    std::cout << "Value: " << *sharedInt << std::endl;

    // Checking the reference count (number of shared_ptr instances)
    std::cout << "Reference count: " << sharedInt.use_count() << std::endl;

    // The shared pointer is automatically deallocated when it goes out of scope

    return 0;

In this example, we create a std::shared_ptr called sharedInt that manages a dynamically allocated integer with the value 42. We can safely access the integer using *sharedInt. The use_count() method tells us the reference count, which in this case, should be 1 since only one std::shared_ptr is currently managing the integer.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. std::shared_ptr offers advanced features like custom deleters, handling cyclic dependencies, and safe multi-threaded access, making it an invaluable tool for modern C++ development. In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into these aspects and explore real-world applications of std::shared_ptr.

2 - Shared Ownership

Shared Ownership with std::shared_ptr

std::shared_ptr is a smart pointer that enables shared ownership of dynamically allocated objects. It keeps track of how many std::shared_ptr instances share ownership of the same resource. The resource is automatically deallocated when the last std::shared_ptr that owns it goes out of scope. This feature simplifies memory management and helps prevent memory leaks.

Example of Shared Ownership:

Let's explore shared ownership using a comprehensive code example:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class MyObject {
    MyObject(int value) : data(value) {
        std::cout << "MyObject constructed with value " << data << std::endl;

    ~MyObject() {
        std::cout << "MyObject destructed with value " << data << std::endl;

    void print() {
        std::cout << "Value: " << data << std::endl;

    int data;

int main() {
    // Creating a shared pointer to a dynamically allocated object
    std::shared_ptr<MyObject> sharedObject = std::make_shared<MyObject>(42);

    // Creating another shared pointer that shares ownership
    std::shared_ptr<MyObject> anotherSharedObject = sharedObject;

    // Accessing the object's method through sharedObject

    // Accessing the object's method through anotherSharedObject

    // Checking the reference count
    std::cout << "Reference count for sharedObject: " << sharedObject.use_count() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Reference count for anotherSharedObject: " << anotherSharedObject.use_count() << std::endl;

    // sharedObject and anotherSharedObject go out of scope
    // The object is automatically deallocated when the last shared_ptr owning it goes out of scope

    return 0;

In this example, we create a class MyObject that has a constructor, a destructor, and a member function to print its value. We then use std::shared_ptr to manage an instance of MyObject. We also create another std::shared_ptr called anotherSharedObject that shares ownership of the same MyObject instance with sharedObject.

Both sharedObject and anotherSharedObject can access and manipulate the MyObject instance seamlessly because they share ownership of it. The use_count() method is used to determine the reference count, which indicates how many std::shared_ptr instances share ownership. In this case, both sharedObject and anotherSharedObject have a reference count of 2.

When both sharedObject and anotherSharedObject go out of scope (at the end of the main function), the MyObject instance is automatically deallocated. The destructor of MyObject is called, and the memory is released, ensuring efficient memory management.

This shared ownership mechanism is incredibly useful for scenarios where multiple parts of your code need access to the same dynamically allocated objects while maintaining proper memory management. std::shared_ptr takes care of the complexity and helps you write safer and more maintainable C++ code.

3 - Cyclic Dependencies

Cyclic dependencies, also known as circular references, are a common challenge in software development. They occur when two or more objects reference each other, directly or indirectly, leading to potential memory leaks if not managed properly. In C++, you can use std::shared_ptr in combination with std::weak_ptr to break these cyclic dependencies while ensuring proper memory management. Let's explore this concept with a comprehensive example:

Understanding Cyclic Dependencies:

Suppose we have two classes, Person and Pet, which represent people and their pets. Each Person has a shared pointer to their pet (std::shared_ptr<Pet>), and each Pet has a shared pointer to their owner (std::shared_ptr<Person>). This results in a cyclic dependency.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

class Person;
class Pet;

class Pet {
    std::shared_ptr<Person> owner;
    std::string name;

    Pet(const std::string& petName) : name(petName) {}

class Person {
    std::shared_ptr<Pet> pet;
    std::string name;

    Person(const std::string& personName) : name(personName) {}

int main() {
    // Creating a person and their pet
    std::shared_ptr<Person> john = std::make_shared<Person>("John");
    std::shared_ptr<Pet> fluffy = std::make_shared<Pet>("Fluffy");

    // Establishing the cyclic dependency
    john->pet = fluffy;
    fluffy->owner = john;

    // Both john and fluffy go out of scope
    return 0;

In this example, john owns fluffy, and fluffy is the pet of john. When both john and fluffy go out of scope, their reference counts never reach zero, resulting in a memory leak because they are still referencing each other.

Breaking the Cyclic Dependency with std::weak_ptr:

To break this cyclic dependency, we can use std::weak_ptr. A std::weak_ptr does not increase the reference count of the managed object, allowing the objects to be deallocated when they go out of scope.

Here's how we can modify the code to use std::weak_ptr:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

class Person;
class Pet;

class Pet {
    std::weak_ptr<Person> owner;
    std::string name;

    Pet(const std::string& petName) : name(petName) {}

class Person {
    std::shared_ptr<Pet> pet;
    std::string name;

    Person(const std::string& personName) : name(personName) {}

int main() {
    // Creating a person and their pet
    std::shared_ptr<Person> john = std::make_shared<Person>("John");
    std::shared_ptr<Pet> fluffy = std::make_shared<Pet>("Fluffy");

    // Establishing the cyclic dependency with weak_ptr
    john->pet = fluffy;
    fluffy->owner = john;

    // Both john and fluffy go out of scope
    return 0;

In this modified example, fluffy's ownership by john is represented using a std::weak_ptr. Now, when john and fluffy go out of scope, their reference counts will correctly reach zero, and the memory will be deallocated.

4 - Custom Deleters

Custom Deleters with std::shared_ptr in C++

Memory management is a critical aspect of C++ programming. While std::shared_ptr provides automatic memory management, there are cases where you need more control over the cleanup of resources. This is where custom deleters come into play. In C++, you can use std::shared_ptr with custom deleters to ensure that resources are released correctly. This article explores custom deleters in std::shared_ptr with detailed examples.

Understanding Custom Deleters:

A custom deleter is a function or an object that specifies how a std::shared_ptr should release the managed resource when it is no longer needed. While std::shared_ptr uses its default deleter to call delete for dynamically allocated objects, you can customize this behavior to handle resources such as file handles, network connections, or custom memory management.

Using a Function as a Custom Deleter:

Let's start with a basic example using a function as a custom deleter. Suppose you want to manage a dynamically allocated integer array and ensure that it is deallocated using free instead of delete. Here's how you can do it:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <cstdlib>

// Custom deleter function
void customDeleter(int* ptr) {
    std::cout << "Custom deleter called." << std::endl;
    free(ptr); // Use free instead of delete

int main() {
    int* data = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 5);
    if (!data) {
        std::cerr << "Memory allocation failed." << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // Using std::shared_ptr with the custom deleter
    std::shared_ptr<int> sharedData(data, customDeleter);

    // sharedData goes out of scope, and the custom deleter is called
    return 0;

In this example, we use malloc to allocate memory for an integer array, and a custom deleter function, customDeleter, is provided when creating the std::shared_ptr. When sharedData goes out of scope, the custom deleter is called, ensuring that free is used to deallocate the memory.

Using a Lambda Function as a Custom Deleter:

Another way to define a custom deleter is by using a lambda function. This approach allows you to define the deleter inline, making your code more concise. Let's modify the previous example using a lambda function as a custom deleter:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <cstdlib>

int main() {
    int* data = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 5);
    if (!data) {
        std::cerr << "Memory allocation failed." << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // Using a lambda function as the custom deleter
    std::shared_ptr<int> sharedData(data, [](int* ptr) {
        std::cout << "Lambda custom deleter called." << std::endl;
        free(ptr); // Use free instead of delete

    // sharedData goes out of scope, and the custom deleter (lambda) is called
    return 0;

In this version, we define a lambda function as the custom deleter directly when creating the std::shared_ptr. The lambda function is called when sharedData goes out of scope, ensuring that free is used for deallocation.

Using a Custom Deleter for Non-heap Resources:

Custom deleters are not limited to memory deallocation. You can use them to manage various types of resources, such as file handles or network connections. Here's an example where we use a custom deleter to close a file:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <fstream>

// Custom deleter for file closure
void customFileDeleter(std::ofstream* file) {
    if (file->is_open()) {
        std::cout << "File closed." << std::endl;
    delete file;

int main() {
    // Create an ofstream pointer for a file
    std::ofstream* file = new std::ofstream("example.txt");

    if (!file->is_open()) {
        std::cerr << "Failed to open the file." << std::endl;
        delete file;
        return 1;

    // Using a custom deleter to ensure the file is closed
    std::shared_ptr<std::ofstream> sharedFile(file, customFileDeleter);

    // sharedFile goes out of scope, and the custom file deleter is called
    return 0;

In this example, we use a custom deleter to close a file that is managed by a std::shared_ptr. The custom deleter ensures that the file is closed properly when the sharedFile goes out of scope.

5 - std::shared_ptr with Arrays

Using std::shared_ptr with arrays in C++ is a valuable technique for managing dynamically allocated arrays while benefiting from shared ownership and automatic memory management. This approach ensures that the array memory is correctly deallocated when no longer needed. Here's how to use std::shared_ptr with arrays, along with a detailed example.

Creating a std::shared_ptr for an Array:

To manage a dynamically allocated array with std::shared_ptr, you need to specify a custom deleter to ensure that the correct delete operator is used for deallocation. You can use a lambda function or a custom function for the deleter.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

int main() {
    int* dynamicArray = new int[5]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

    // Using a lambda function as a custom deleter
    std::shared_ptr<int> sharedArray(dynamicArray, [](int* ptr) {
        delete[] ptr; // Ensure the correct delete[] is used

    // Accessing elements of the shared array
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        std::cout << sharedArray.get()[i] << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // sharedArray goes out of scope, and the custom deleter is called
    return 0;

In this example, we use a lambda function as the custom deleter for the std::shared_ptr. The lambda function ensures that delete[] is used to deallocate the dynamically allocated array. The shared array allows access to its elements, just like a regular array.

Sharing Ownership of Arrays:

One of the key benefits of using std::shared_ptr is the ability to share ownership of resources. Multiple std::shared_ptr instances can be created to share the same dynamically allocated array.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

int main() {
    int* dynamicArray = new int[5]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

    // Creating two shared pointers that share ownership
    std::shared_ptr<int> sharedArray1(dynamicArray, [](int* ptr) {
        delete[] ptr;
    std::shared_ptr<int> sharedArray2 = sharedArray1;

    // Modifying the array using sharedArray1
    sharedArray1.get()[0] = 100;

    // Accessing the modified array using sharedArray2
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        std::cout << sharedArray2.get()[i] << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // sharedArray1 and sharedArray2 go out of scope, and the custom deleter is called
    return 0;

In this example, sharedArray1 and sharedArray2 share ownership of the same array. When sharedArray1 modifies the array, those changes are reflected when accessing the array through sharedArray2. When both sharedArray1 and sharedArray2 go out of scope, the custom deleter is called, ensuring the array is deallocated correctly.

6 - Implementing Shared Pointers in C++

To implement shared pointers, you typically don't need to create them from scratch, as the C++ Standard Library provides std::shared_ptr for you. However, understanding the underlying principles helps you use them effectively.

Here's a simplified implementation of a shared pointer for educational purposes. In practice, you would use std::shared_ptr from the C++ Standard Library.

template <typename T>
class MySharedPtr {
    MySharedPtr(T* ptr) : sharedResource(new SharedResource(ptr)) {}

    // Copy constructor to share ownership
    MySharedPtr(const MySharedPtr<T>& other) : sharedResource(other.sharedResource) {

    // Destructor to release the resource when it's no longer needed
    ~MySharedPtr() {
        if (sharedResource->decrementReferenceCount() == 0) {
            delete sharedResource;

    T& operator*() const {
        return *sharedResource->get();

    T* operator->() const {
        return sharedResource->get();

    // Additional functions for reference count management

    class SharedResource {
        SharedResource(T* p) : resource(p), referenceCount(1) {}

        T* get() const {
            return resource;

        int incrementReferenceCount() {
            return ++referenceCount;

        int decrementReferenceCount() {
            return --referenceCount;

        T* resource;
        int referenceCount;

    SharedResource* sharedResource;

In this simplified example, we create a custom shared pointer called MySharedPtr. It uses a reference-counted mechanism to manage shared ownership of a dynamically allocated resource. The SharedResource inner class keeps track of the resource and its reference count.

Using a Custom Shared Pointer:

Let's use our MySharedPtr in a code example:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    MySharedPtr<int> sharedInt(new int(42));

    MySharedPtr<int> anotherSharedInt = sharedInt;  // Sharing ownership

    std::cout << "Value from sharedInt: " << *sharedInt << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Value from anotherSharedInt: " << *anotherSharedInt << std::endl;

    // sharedInt and anotherSharedInt go out of scope
    return 0;

In this example, we create sharedInt and anotherSharedInt to manage an integer. They share ownership of the same resource, and both will release the resource when they go out of scope, as our custom MySharedPtr correctly tracks reference counts.


std::shared_ptr is a versatile and powerful tool for managing dynamic memory in C++. Its ability to provide shared ownership of resources and automatically release memory when it's no longer needed makes it a valuable asset for modern C++ developers. By understanding and effectively using std::shared_ptr, you can reduce memory-related bugs and improve the maintainability of your code.

In this article, we've covered the basics of std::shared_ptr, including its usage, shared ownership, automatic memory management, dealing with cyclic dependencies, custom deleters, and managing dynamic arrays. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently incorporate std::shared_ptr into your C++ projects, ensuring robust memory management and efficient resource handling.

Remember, mastering std::shared_ptr is not just about preventing memory leaks; it's about writing safer, more reliable, and maintainable C++ code. So, go ahead and leverage this powerful tool to enhance your C++ programming skills and create more robust software.

By now, you should have a good understanding of std::shared_ptr and how to use it effectively in your C++ projects. Happy coding!