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Why I Don't Write Makefiles Anymore!

In this blog post, we scratch the surface of CMake's potential, providing you with an introduction to this powerful build system generator.

"Makefiles, the cryptic enigmas of the coding world - their syntax, an unruly beast that challenges even the bravest developers! But fear not, for with CMake's elegance, we banish the ugliness and unlock the gates to a world of clean, readable build scripts, making development a delightful breeze." - ChatGPT

Don't get me wrong, Make remains a powerful and well-suited build system, particularly for single-language projects. However, why go through the trouble of writing Makefile manually when you can simply generate them?

Welcome back, fellow Embedded Wizards!! 🧙

In our earlier blog post about Makefiles, we delved into the fundamental syntax and structure of a Makefile and how it deals with dependency management. Now, we shift our attention to examining the limitations of the make build system and explore how we can improve it by integrating cmake. To demonstrate, let's revisit the calculator example and highlight how CMake can enhance the efficiency of the build process.

GitHub - inpjama/Makefile-Tutorial: The repo contains code example and demo for using the make build system
The repo contains code example and demo for using the make build system - GitHub - inpjama/Makefile-Tutorial: The repo contains code example and demo for using the make build system

The Pain is Real 😥